This is a customizable social media animation called “Get Social”. It uses a clean, stylized web to connect all types of social media icons, allowing you to show your viewers how to find you online.

The animation includes social media and communication icons that you can easily update along with your URLs for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. The color and text are all easily customizable and well documented.

The audio used in the example is “Walking in the City” which is available for purchase on AudioJungle.

All that, plus no plugins needed!

Updated in Version 2.0:

  • Options for 3, 4, and 5 social media sites (a common request)
  • Updated social media icons with new logos and services
  • Removed some logos not in keeping with Envato copyright policy
  • Universalized expressions for use in non-English installations of After Effects
  • Revised support contact info

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