TWIRL FLOW (custom effect tool) just like my former custom effect”cover flow” I still made it by expressions not only easy to adjust each attribute but also easy to creat a video or picture display effect. AFTER EFFECTS CS4 preset (OR HIGHTER ) include FHD example AE project and preset file HD video tutorial includ teach you how to use creat only by expressions so no plugin,font,music required! BG music link from: view other project creat by this preset: please note that the open logo reveal with hands is my own logo ident so not included but if you interesting please click here the preview only a way to show what the custom effect and how it can do. A:all layers motion attribute control by a null layer you can adjust them in effect windows just like a plugin!
Update V1.1
Now the custom effect tool compatible with all language of After Effect!
just like my former custom effect”cover flow” I still made it by expressions not only easy to adjust each attribute but also easy to creat a video or picture display effect. features! - AFTER EFFECTS CS4 preset (OR HIGHTER )
- include FHD example AE project and preset file
- HD video tutorial includ teach you how to use
- creat only by expressions so no plugin,font,music required!
- BG music link from:
- view other project creat by this preset:
- please note that the open logo reveal with hands is my own logo ident so not included but if you interesting please click here
the preview only a way to show what the custom effect and how it can do. you can modify the preview project or you also can redone a new display because Its Pretty Simple! any other questions please send a email to me. if you like please rate!
how the preset work? A:all layers motion attribute control by a null layer you can adjust them in effect windows just like a plugin! Q:
if I have large number of pictures or only a few picture to display can it be work well? A:of cause !the expression will auto calulate all the layer space and arranged in a circle even only one or two pictures! enjoy!
MY another series of custom effect