a Star Field Galaxy Background or backdrop

3 minutes 30 seconds

4×4K + loop

the preview image and videos are brighter than the actual footage, and the quality is very low with artefacts because of the compressions. the real footage has a 4K quality without any artefacts.

comes as 4 x MP4 Quicktimes

use RGB for creating your own alpha or just add the footage.

duplicate, rotate and combine for a different look.

organic smoothly moving stars or glowing glitter dust. universe night view. extremely unique and unpredicted movement. uneven and random movement. a natural and abstract look

Ideal for clam and slow background or ambient animation overlay or foreground design element.

no noise field were used for the animation, only motionfield from a dancing character.

could be used for astronomical projects or astronomy related. the star constellation is a flight and fly through of the galaxy with unique nebula for science presentation and space and time. millions of star and stars in the universe. flicker and flickering stars. a glimpse with glow music not included https://soundcloud.com/exselsor

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