A little girl is sitting on a potty next to a soft plush dog
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- A little girl is sitting on a potty next to a soft plush dog
A little girl is sitting on a potty next to a soft plush dog
A little girl is sitting on a potty next to a soft plush dog
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Last Update | 5 November 2024 |
Published | 5 November 2024 |
Frame Rate | 25 |
Resolution | 3840x2160 |
Video Encoding | H.264 |
File Size | 54.32MB |
Number of Clips | 1 |
Total Clip(s) Length | 00:09 |
No. of People | 1 |
Gender | Female |
Age | Baby |
Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Tags | baby, behaviour, chair, child, childcare, daughter, day, diaper, education, elementary, girl, growth, habit, health, healthy, home, hygiene, indoor, infant, innocence, innocent, kid, kindergarten, lavatory, learn, learning, little, nursery, pant, pee, play, pot, potty, sanitary, seat, seated, sitting, skill, small, success, teach, toddler, toilet, toiletries, toy, training, Underpants, urinate, urine, wc, |