Action Zone is the most complete broadcast package for sports. Contains graphics for over 20 different sports, as well as multiple screens, bumpers, schedules and everything you might need!
Update 2.0
- Added Standings Table Watch
- Added Top 10 Animations with Countdown Watch
- Added End Credits Watch
- Full HD 1920×1080
- Comprehensive documentation included
- No plug-ins required
- Works with After Effects cs5 and above
- Simple organisation to ensure smooth workflow
- Special controls for all graphics (color and animation controls)
- Over 70 minutes of in depth video tutorials
Watch tutorials online : On-Air Graphics, 3D Graphics
Package contents
* Opener containing 22 different sports * Sports Included : badminton, baseball, basketball, billiard, box, cricket, fitness, football, golf, hockey, ice skate, MMA, Motor, PC Gaming, Playstation gaming, Soccer, TableTennis, Tennis, Volley, WorldCup, Xbox * Use your own Logo and create your own opener! * Complete Color control
* Single Bumper * Double Bumpers * Complete Color Control
Coming Up
* Coming Up 3D Segment * Complete Color Control
Main Lower Third
* Lower thirds for all 22 sports! * Use Logo or Text version if needed * Complete Color Control
* Video Transition * Text Transition * Logo Transition * Complete Color Control
On-Air Graphics
* 5 Players Line-up, Line-Ups and Player positions, Long lower third, Player Highlights, Rounds, Score, Statistics, Tale of the Tape, Teams versus * Custom controls for animation
Other Graphics
* Headline, Coming up, Tonight Schedule, Multiple Screens, Single Screen * Custom controls for animation
Loopable Elements
* 10 seconds Loopable Background * 22 Sports loopable elements with alpha
* 18 Tutorials covering each composition individually
Titles Sequence
* Bonus : Included the titles project as seen in the preview video
I treat support very seriously, please do not hesitate to contact me using the contact form on my profile!
Pictures and footage are not included and are only for preview purposes