- Plugins are not required
- Drum footage included
- Guitar footage included
- sound fx included
- Help PDF file included
- Very easy to customize
- After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5
- resolution: 1280X720 30fps
- Font used inside the project is DS Sofachromel The font used are free and can be downloaded from here http://www.azfonts.ru/load_font/ds_sofachrome_italic.html
- 8 text placeholders
- 1 placeholder for your logo Music: http://audiojungle.net/item/im-sixteen-until-i-die/128478?WT.ac=search_thumb&WT.seg_1=search_thumb&WT.z_author=soundroll
- I really hope you like this project Enjoy! please e-mail: [email protected]
Length: 1:25, Resolution: 1280x720, File Size: 373mb, Media Placeholders: 1, Text Placeholders: 8
This project will help you to creatively display your text and logo
Project features: