“Broadcast Design Brand ID 2” is a template created in After Effects CS5 in Full HD. The package includes all the graphics you need to create an outstanding look for your TV channel. This template will enhance your broadcast. The text layers are created to stand out of the other elements and be easily spotted and read. You have all the graphics you need to create an amazing look. Footages and other photos are not included.
The Package includes:
The music in the preview is NOT included. But if you like it, you can purchase it from http://audiojungle.net/item/way-above-the-skyline/5919214 . If you need help customizing this or some others projects from my portfolio please contact me through my profile page.
Videos used in the preview:
Katy Rodriguez from A76 PRODUCTIONS. FASHION FILM from Matthew Frost. Une Fille Comme Les Autres from Matthew Frost. Introducing Photos of You from Instagram. one step forward from Ben Crowell. The big Island from Steven Alan. Football Skills 240fps from XnitroX. Already Gone from Ross Ching.