Business Ink Brush Timeline
This timeline is designed to successfully promote your company. You can mark significant stages and events in the development of the company. The presentation is modern and includes design elements such as brushes and ink.The project is structured, any manipulations are performed very easily and quickly in just a few clicks! Control panel allows you to quickly and easily manage effects, as well as change colors! Modular structure allows you to change the duration, duplicate, remove or rearrange scenes. Universal Expressions allows to works with any After Effects language!
- 11 Scenes
- 11 Media Placeholders
- 56 Text Placeholders
- 1 Logo Placeholder
- 3 Social Media Placeholders
- 1:17 min Default Duration
- Control panel for colors & effects
- Modular Structure (Change Duration, Duplicate, Remove or Rearrange Scenes)
- Works with any After Effects language (Expressions Universalized)
- 4K (3840×2160) resolution
- Multipurpose
- After Effects CS6 and Above
- Includes Video Help File
- Music