This is a new Business Promo. Through which you can easily present your startup, company, etc. Just add your images or video, change the text and the project is ready. The project is compatible with After Effects CS6 and above.
Project details
- Modern design
- Easy to customise
- Use images or videos
- Full color control (expression controls)
- Мodular structure (you can change duration)
- 100 icons included
- Includes 24 scenes
- 31 media holders
- 47 text holders
- Tint media files on/off
- Sclale media holders on/off
- Free version font Nexa or Nexa
- Compatible with After Effects CS6 and above
- Full HD resolution (1920×1080)
- No plugins
In promo video using music Beautiful Background Ambient from author LemonadeMusic.
The music, font and photo is not included.
In project used font Nexa. You can download a free version of the font here Nexa or Nexa.