Buzz is an energetic titles promo perfect for digital marketing agencies. Customization can be done easily, change the look of your video by using the Quick control tab. This After effects template includes 25 text placeholders and 10 photo or video placeholders that will highlight your project on any media platform.
Buzz | Creative Promo

Video Player is loading.
Length: 00:31, Resolution: 3840x2160, File Size: 7.7MB, Media Placeholders: 10, Text Placeholders: 25
Full-HD (1920×1080 / 0:31”)
4K (3840×2160 / 0:31”)
25 Text Placeholder
10 Media placeholder
Color & Text Quick Control Tab
Compatible: After Effects CS6 or Above
Works with image or video
No plugins required
Universal expressions
Help file included
Great music track used in the preview by BerryDeep Fashion Techno.
Footage used not included only for preview purposes.
Stock Footage
Font here.