Children’s educational wooden sorter toy for learning color. The child throws colored balls into cups of the appropriate color. A set of game figures. A child is playing at a table in a room
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- Children's educational wooden sorter toy for learning color.
Children's educational wooden sorter toy for learning color.
Children's educational wooden sorter toy for learning color.
average based on ratings.
Last Update | 5 November 2024 |
Published | 5 November 2024 |
Frame Rate | 50 |
Resolution | 3840x2160 |
Video Encoding | H.264 |
File Size | 72.58MB |
Number of Clips | 1 |
Total Clip(s) Length | 00:10 |
No. of People | 1 |
Gender | Female |
Age | Baby |
Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Tags | art, baby, balls, children, close up, color, colorful, creative, cups, cylinder, development, didactic, education, entertainment, fun, game, girl, glass, hand, kid, kindergarten, learn, little, logic, montessori, motility, multicolored, orb, person, plate, play, preschool, preschooler, puzzle, shape, small, sort, sorting, sphere, spoon, study, table, take, teach, toddler, toys, training, tumbler, wooden, |