Cinema Grain is a pack geared towards VFX artists, Motion Graphics, artists, editors and indy film-makers. It is a grab-bag of the most essential and useful video clips needed to emulate Film, TV and Digital TV. Emulating these sources takes a lot of skill and a keen eye for detail.

That is why I set out and partnered with senior cinematographers and VFX artists to create a professional pack, that came in 1080p HD @ 30fps, was affordable and was a relatively easy download.

The grain is based of a real ARRIflex cam with Kodak film stock. The TV noise is faithfully and digitally recreated from real world sources and everything is presented in its most pristine state in full 1080p HD clips.

+ The pack has everything the pros decided would be the most crucial and practical of elements.

+ This pack comes with over 18 HD clips, audio files and still elements needed to make this a excellent starting point for any person looking to finish a project or emulate a certain source.

+ Works with after effects and most editing programs that use blend modes.

Download a small quick brochure to find out more:


Checkout my videohive profile for some FREE AE CS4 project files!

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