Cinematic 3D Subway Promo

Give your audience a truly cinematic experience!

Featuring a fully customizable 3D subway environment complete with pre-animated complex camera moves, explosive tailor made titles wrapped in a high-impact, action packed 30 second title sequence.

- Feature film trailers
- High-octane product TV broadcast promotions
- Suspenseful underground music artist or band performance advertisements
- Dark, urban, grunge, hip-hop or metal band album TV promotion
- For more advanced uses, feel free to use the 3D set build as a location fx shot in your film-making projects, from NY to Tokyo, it can be customized to suit
- as a high-end, professional After Effects learning tool… what better way to learn than to disect an experienced designers project file!

This project comes with a unique, broadcast quality, custom built score that is yours to keep, and use however you like, absolutely FREE!
Or you can use another track that better suits your project, and keep this custom audio in your library for future use, it’s entirely up to you.

- Every single title you see in the trailer can be customized, styled and repositioned as you wish
- Full colour correction control is in your hands at just a click of a button to really stylize the look and feel of the entire project
- Your very own logos, graphics or visual elements can be easily incorporated to personalize the project to you or your client!
- Even the subway signs can be fully utilized to feature your web site or your clients, slogans or custom logos throughout the cinematic subway scene
- Created at HD 1080, I’ve included a selection of output formats, ready-to-render such as;
NTSC HD 1080, 720 and SD, PAL HD 1080, 720, and SD

- All this will be very easy to implement thanks to the full screen video training file included.
- I go step by step through each editable element and show you the secrets to creating your customized cinematic 3D subway scene.
- From novice to advanced users of after effects, the video training will guide you on your way.

Keep a look out for more cinematic, unique projects to come from Kenzii, exclusively here at

If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a line, visit my profile page and send me a message!

Enjoy, and watch this space for more,

Lee McKenzie

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