Colorful After Effects Animation
Crazy funky viral colorful 2D broadcast package. Many uses: celebrity show, personal vlogging, surfer, urban skater, board sports, skateboard longboard promotion, tribe arabic, indian or african, funny youtube channel, music djs party, MTV alike style for rebel youth, street TV show or Hip Hop, Dubstep theme!Fast Editing
Edit colors with few clicks. Fast color controls ready. Change pictures to get different moods. You only need 1-6 pictures to fill the animation! Or you may use a single picture of a person in every placeholder – it will still look amazing cool! Default colors are perfect for colorful summer party or tribal surfing intro. Reminds of hippie times with colorful flower forms.Import your Logo or Picture. All project files are separated for possible dynamic linking.
Animation Features
- Music included!
- 4K Resolution
- Very easy to customize!
- 6 files in 1
- No Plug-ins
- Very Fast Render Times
Colorful Broadcast Package Contents:
Pictures of people seen in preview are not included. Add 1-6 pictures and you are ready!