This project can be utilized to reveal your logo or text.
- 1080p Project (720p and SD versions included)
- 5 unique logo reveal animations
- No Plug-ins required
- Easy to customize (Just replace your logo, type your text and render)
- Custom controls to enable additional customization.
- After Effects CS4 and higher.
- Comprehensive video guide included.
- Expressions are universalized so this template is compatible with any language version of After Effects.
- you can purchase the audio file here.
- Soft Openning Logo 2
- Smooth Elegant Logo 1
- Links to the Logo designes used in the preview video.
- Folder Cloud Logo
- Eight Pixel
- Wisdome Media (Letter W) Logo
- Pastoric Media (Letter P) Logo
- Strange Car Logo
- Communication
- Circular Digital
- Monster Car Logo
- Rocket Cloud Logo
- Logo Design Proposal Mockups