– After effects CS5 project is created in full hd 1920×1080 in 25fps
– PDF manual included
– Two versions are included – For pre-rendered version no plug-ins are needed – For original version Trapcode Form, Trapcode 3D-Stroke, VC Optical Flares are required
– Easy to Customize ( You can change photos/video,text) – Duration of the project: 0:48
In this project,you can add 10 photo or video files, 18 text phrases and 1 logo. Video and photos used in the video preview in the Zip folder are not included.
The project is using track: Children Of Forests http://audiojungle.net/item/children-of-forests/622819
free font: BebasNeue http://www.dafont.com/search.php?psize=m&q=Bebas+Neue
Please rate if you buy!
After Effects Project Files and Motion Graphics
Stock Footage
City and People
Travel and Nature
All Stock Footage >>
Attention all VideoHive authors:
You may use any of my preview tracks for your projects provided you give my music track a link in your description. Also, please send me an email to let me know about your item so that I can include links to your item in my profile and item descriptions to help promote your project. Thanks! WebRaMusic
All Music, Logos & Idents and Sound FX >>