Requires Plugins: Element 3D v2, Length: 0:56, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 226MB, Media Placeholders: 6, Text Placeholders: 6
- Content type:Text,image
- Element3d required
- Modular structure
- 5 titile folder
- 5 glitch secondary images
- 5 BG image for reflection on pieces
- Final image created with use 2 images (cyber city included ) and 1 from photudune( link in txt file) But you can use only my image.
- 2 variation of ending(see still frames)
whats new 26.12.2022:
Texture for glass is included, there is no need to download the texture
Template has become cleaner, there are fewer unnecessary materials
Added 1 scene (see gif)
Reflection has been redesigned, now there is 1 image for all scenes, before that each scene needed its own image
Image is included for BG reflection, you can replace if necessary
AirFamily – Epic Technology Trailer
Known issue
Element3D in most cases loses the path to the 3D models. To fix this, you need to open all the scenes, find the e3d layer in them, and go to the scene settings. Next, if the element doesn’t prompt you to specify the path to the models (usually it’s the footage folder), you’ll need to do it manually. File> re-link the scene file. Repeat in all scenes and in all layers with the Element3d (video tuts)
Still Frames
New 26.12.2022:
- Alternative Ending
- Used only 1 image (incuded in template, in preview i used combiner images)
- Screenshots