This 1920×1080 30P ProRes clip is fourth in a series designed to be used behind a green screen driving in car scene. It can also be comped into a rear view mirror or used for many other purposes. This one is a 65 mph drive down a US Interstate Road in New Jersey, USA . Please check my portfolio for different driving backdrops. There are several different times of day, geographical areas and driving speeds in this series.
Great for any driving, POV , city, urban, car, automobile, traffic, travel, Philadelphia, East Coast, modern, speed, racing, night, suburban, skyline, building, pedestrian, green, screen or high-tech project. PC Users:
download ProRes Decoder for Windows
Music not included.
*Note: This is a stock footage video clip and NOT an After Effects project. Purchase includes clip only, no project, no text, no other files except a single movie file.