Watch HD on YouTube (customized for a client)
Im glad to present you my new Epic Logo Reveal project file for Cinema 4d + After Effects, with serious tension and film looking atmosphere.
You can easely customize it with few clicks, change light colors, logo background. Audio file is created by me, especially for this project and it’s included.
- Resizable Resolution
- No plug-ins required
- 25 seconds long
- Easy to customize
- Fast render time
- Video tutorial
- +BONUS! Audio file included
- Font used for logo – Birch
- Cinema 4D (“Studio”, “Visualize”) R12, R13, R14 and After Effects CS 4 and later versions compatible (both programs required)
- I also included links with tutorials, where you can easily learn how to create your own 3D logo from a Vector file.
If you don’t know how to use or don’t have C4D or AE, you can always contact me about customization and rendering services.If you need help with project or have any questions, be sure to contact me!
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