This fairy book is wonderfully suited to the family album, magic history, every event, and much more. You can easily use any of your photos or video snippets, as well as any of your text.
The project uses prerendered mov files that have been made for realism in 3D.
I used one additional plugin Trapcode Particular, because wanted to make beautiful particles.
You can use photo frames or photo without them, as well as pre-cut photos in Photoshop.
As always it is very easy to use, you simply insert your photos or any media and text, you can use horizontal or vertical photos, the project provided.
Sound effects are included in the project.
I used the melody from the author zhhunger and you can buy it here:
Used fonts:
Rothenburg Decorative, Regular
Download here:
ChopinScript, Regular
Download here:
Fairy Book

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Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 428mb