Farmer Controling Green Lettuce

Farmer Controling Green Lettute. vejetarian people has very difficult life.Thailand’s dishes are very famous. fruit shake very famous in asia. exotic dragon fruit very delicious. Everyone is selling something on the street. street vendors selling food too cheaply. Asian dishes are famous. dishes were very tasty. fried meat they sell on the street. sausage culture is very common. meat pie is very helpful. is very tasty barbecue. women love to do barbecue. Asian women are cooking meat. Pork is forbidden in Muslim. chinese businessmen, loves to cook. very large shopping centers. in restaurants, you can choose the meat. street, full of caterer. thai eats dinner at outside. bangkok streed spicy food is very famous. thai people, places lunch outside. cook, fresh fried meat doing. Tourists come to bangkok holidays. tourism is highly developed.

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