Film Awards Pack in 4K - After Effects Template

This is a compact After Effects template in 4K resolution that is perfect for your award show presentation. Flexible, modular and easy to edit. Stylistically inspired by old film look.


1. Opening (0:19)

2. Presentations: 3 versions with 3 placeholders each (0:30)

3. Nominations:

- Grid 4x (4 placeholders) (0:30)

- Grid 5x (5 placeholders) (0:30)

- Grid 8x – 3 versions with 8 placeholders each (0:30)

4. Featured – 3 versions with 6 placeholders each (0:30)

5. Lower Thirds – 2 options (0:08)

6. Closing Credits: (0:30), includes 10 category placeholders (0:03)

7. Transitions: 3 versions (0:01)

Technical Features:

- 4K: 3840×2160p

- 24 fps

- Video tutorials included

- Easy to customize colors

- No plugins required

- Universal Expressions

- Pre-rendered assets included:

—16 film burn clips

—5 lens flare clips

—5 light sweeps clips

—7 full screen particle background clips

- Supported After Effects versions: 2023, 22x, 18x

All stock images and videos, used in the video promo are not included in the package.

Free Fonts Used:

Work Sans


Music for the Promo:


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