Flat Phone 7 Application Animated Presentation

Concise, intelligent, smooth flat Phone 7 application animated presentation.
This project will help you to advertise your mobile app.

  • Resolution: Full HD 1920×1080
  • 16:9 Square Pixels
  • Frame rate: 30fps
  • Version compatibility: Adobe After Effects CS5 and above
  • Easy color customisation
  • 100% After Effects. No plug-ins, no prerenders
  • Help PDF file is included

Font “Source Sans Pro” used in the project you can download for free here.

Images, video, and music used in the preview video are not included in the project. You can purchase and download them following links below.

Images Kit – “Bootstrap 2 – Flat Mobile Phone – App UI”.
Video – “Beautiful Business Woman Standing And Looking”.
Music – “Nano”.

Key words: clean, dynamic, professional, presentation, minimal, modern, explainer, advertisement, promotion, promo, photo, screenshot, video, smartphone, mobile, iphone 7, application, development, interface, IU, UX, ios, store, simple, titles, text, captions, display, scrolling, slides, concise, intelligent, smooth, parallax scrolling, parallax.

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