Fracture Titles - Animated Typeface

Fracture Titles – Animated Typeface

Fracture Titles is an Animated Typeface perfectly suited for Titles, Lower Thirds, and even intros! The letters are all high quality 1000×1000 renders, making large scale projects very easily achievable. The project comes with a script that automates the process of creating words and gives you a ton of extra controls for formatting and animating any text you want to write!

Be sure to watch the video tutorial to find out everything you need to know!


  • Video tutorial
  • Special script to create your words
  • Easy to customize, custom controls
  • Change colors
  • Adjustable duration
  • Customizable animations
  • Soundtrack from preview can be purchased here
  • About the script

    As mentioned above, with the script you can easily generate the words with a single click. After your word is generated, it is parented to a Control Layer, which gives you full customization options:

    Scale & Position – Easily adjust the scale and position of the text, using the transform properties of the Control Layer.

    Spacing – Increase or decrease the space between letters.

    Size Variation – Add size variation between letters.

    Height Variation – Add height variation between letters.

    Seed – Adjust the seed random for the Size and Height variation properties. Change this value to get different results each time.

    Duration – After the letters are formed, adjust how long they stay on screen until the fading animation begins. Can last as long as you want and be as short as 1 second.

    Offset – Adjust the delay between each letter forming. Use this property to create smooth cascading animation effects.

    Randomize – Increase the randomness in the appearance of the letters to create a more ‘organic’ animation.

    Random Seed – Use different values to get different results for the randomize property.

    Color – Change the colors of the fracture. Use any color!

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