Length: 1:30, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 143MB, Media Placeholders: 9, Text Placeholders: 9
Funeral Biography Customize Memorial Slideshow
This project is designed to commemorate the gone and to tell their biography or life story in a neat respectful tone.
This memorial project is a very useful and easy to customize template. It can be used to honor the gone and their memory, to celebrate their life path and achievements by sharing memories of them. There are placeholders where you can put family & friends photos and other memorable life events. Also there are text placeholders for anything you would like to mention about the person’s biography, such as dates, description or your personal memories.
The video has a slow pace and beautiful design featuring actual candles footages. Like that it creates a serene and calm mood, allowing to immerse oneself into the memories.
Details of project:
CС 2017 and Above
1920×1080 full HD
1 min 30 sec duration
9 Photo/Video placeholder
9 Title placeholders
4 Color Presets
Well organized & easily customizable template
Candle footage included
No Plugins are required
Fonts, Photos and Music is not included
Similar project
Font, Audio and Photos:
Great Audio track from OlexandrIgnatov is not included.
You can buy it here: The Sadness
Fonts Linux Libertine, GREAT VIBES that were used in this project is not included. You can get it here:
Media assets used in the preview of this project not included. You can find this file here:
Elements Envato,
4 color presets
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