Futuristic Presentation is a stylish After Effects template with an eye-catching design. It uses a stunning combination of effects to reveal and enhance your media. It’s really easy to edit, using the intelligent color controller. A short introduction to your presentations, slideshows, TV shows, commercials, promotions and event videos. Impress your audience wit hthis clean, colorful and creatively animated AE template
Futuristic Presentation

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Length: 1:08, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 9MB, Media Placeholders: 12, Text Placeholders: 12
Drag & drop your photos or videos, enter text and you’re done.
Modular structure – duplicate, remove, or rearrange scenes as you want.
Well organized template – user-friendly interface.
Media placeholder: 12 (you can add an infinite number of holders).
Text placeholders: 12 (you can add an infinite number of holders).
Photos and videos are not included.
Music is not included. I’ve used in the preview:
Future Of Technology
Font link Include