Fast intro is a commercial promo template for blogs and vlogs. The opener is surprisingly fast and simple for use. Modish opener with modern transition effects, scene with trendy typography. You are free to control this template in video to make your channel or website more fashionable and adorable for your customers.
Template Features:
- No plugins required
- Well organised and easy customising. Very easy to use – just put your footages in placeholders and edit text
- 17 Video or Photo Holders
- 4 Text holders
- Color control
- Full HD 1920×1080
- Duration 00:27min
- After Effects CS5 and above
- 1 place to add your logo
- 1 Colour Presets
- Video Tutorial Included
- Video and music track are not included
- Great soundtrack you can find here
- Video you can find: Here , Here and Here