- 22 video/image placeholder
- Glitch Slideshowr
- Full HD: 1920×1080p
- No plugins required
- After Effects CS5 or higher
- Easy to customize
- Ability to open the source files in any language (ExpressionUniversalizer)
- Good organization of the project
- Colors very easy to change
- Font not included
- Video tutorial included
- Photo in preview are not included
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Perfect For: travel slideshow, Holiday, photo/video slide show .Movie or tv show opener . Special events . any media opener . trailer, intro, promo quick elegance video , paralax shlideshow , modern reel and any other slideshow photo album or demo reel with elegance paralax titles Here is a new Slideshow with inspirational and beautiful minimal titles business, clean, corporate, display, dynamic, elegant, gallery, inspiring, parallax, photo, portfolio, promo, scrolling, slideshow, video