Length: 1:10, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 992MB, Media Placeholders: 6, Text Placeholders: 14
Presenting a new Sustainable Eco Friendly Green Energy Broadcast Kit
Fluent way to portray your sustainability / environment friendly purpose.
Perfect for Earth day, Environmental solutions, Solar and Wind energy etc.
Green, Earth like nature, vibrant atmosphere with Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Grass, Organic Lightbulb, and more.
After Effects CS4 or above, Pre-rendered, 24 FPS, Full HD.
Includes 8 Animated Earth friendly icons within the project.
Font used is Dosis : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Dosis
Elements include
First Scene – Logo / Text Opener with Wind Turbines in the foreground
Second Scene – Green Lightbulb – Two Main Text Headers & Decorative icons / small type text
Third Scene – Wiping the screen with Solar panels while zooming out to reveal photos on the panels (optional)
Fourth Scene – Zoomout from under turbine into a Close up + Text Header and Additional text placeholder
Fifth Scene -Lower third including a Windturbine & a Solar Panel
Sixth Scene – Symmetrical Turbine shot same as opening shot only with a Video Placeholder blended into the sky
Seventh Scene – a 2nd Lowerthird including a green organic lightbulb
Music used in preview should be purchased separately here: https://audiojungle.net/item/emotional/12086765
Footage used in video placeholders can be found here:
Be sure to check out my non-exclusive portfolio here