Historical Safranbolu Houses And City 5

We can date the known history of Safranbolu, which is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia in the region called Paphlagonia in history, to 3000 BC. In this region between the Kızılırmak and Filyos river, the Hittites, Phrygians, indirectly Lydians, Persians, Hellenistic Kingdoms (Ponds), Romans, Seljuks, Çabanoğulları, Candaroğulları and the Ottoman Empire continued to dominate. The hill where the Safranbolu Castle, today’s City History Museum or the old Government House is located, is under the absolute sovereignty of the Turks, Seljuk Sultan II. It was passed by Kılıçarslan’s son Melik Muhiddin Mesut in 1196.

Safranbolu changed hands between various civilizations throughout history, as well as between Turks and Byzantines, and even between Turkish principalities and Ottomans. We learn the oldest information about Safranbolu from archival documents and especially traveller's notes. For example, the travel notes of Ibn-i Batuta. During the Safranbolu leg of his Anatolian tour in 1332, Batuta recorded his stay in Safranbolu Castle and the rest of the Quran he listened to in his travel notes. In fact, Candaroğlu described his meeting with Ali Bey, the son of "Suleyman the sultan", in a short but descriptive way. These notes of Batuta are especially valuable because of his verbal description of the fortress Safranbolu as a military base, Kalealtı settlement and Cami-i Kebir districts. Indeed, in 1326, Candaroğlu Süleyman Pasha took Safranbolu under his dominion and gifted the town the oldest surviving religious and civil structures of Safranbolu, such as the hamam, madrasah and mosque, which we can still see today.
The first capture of Safranbolu by the Ottomans was probably carried out in 1354 by the son of the Ottoman Sultan Osman Bey, Şehzade Gazi Süleyman Pasha. Safranbolu, whose known history goes back to 3000 BC, is located in a region where the Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Persians, Hellenistic Kingdoms, Romans, Seljuks, Çobanoğulları, Candaroğulları and Ottomans ruled. Safranbolu Houses are one of our important values that have been formed over hundreds of years and contribute to the living of Turkish urban culture today. 18th and 19th century in the town center. with the 20th century. There are about 2000 traditional Turkish houses built in the beginning of the year. About 800 of these works are under legal protection. The houses are grouped in two different parts of Safranbolu. The first is the section known as the "City" and is used for winter, the second is the section known as "Bağlar" and is used as a summer residence. The houses of Safranbolu are admirable not only with their stance that defies centuries, but also with their architecture reflecting the superior taste of art, and the fine wooden craftsmanship spread throughout the building. The best quality of saffron flower grows in Safranbolu, which it gives its name. It is known that saffron, whose cultivation and maintenance requires great effort, has the potential to dye a hundred thousand solids of liquid yellow by its own weight.

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