Ice Blocks Sunset

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Small sun during the sunset over the sea with a lot of ice blocks on the water. As you may see there is a nice natural “Ice stage” at foreground. Just one creative idea for you is to put small figures of people without background into it (after keying). For example you can put there performing Rock band. Also you may wish to slow down sunset footage and it will have even bigger look!
Ice is on the left,
ice is on the right
ice in front and ice behind.
Just small sun of warm and light.
Enjoy last minutes before cold night.

Footage is original Full HD H .264 MOV from Canon DSLR camera without any post processing. Not color graded and not re-encoded on the PC. Audio track recorded by camera build-in microphone remains in the footage but it is noisy. Shot at 29.97 frames per sec with 1/30 exposure to give you more flexibility in post processing.

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