Isolated Cartoon Hearts And Stars Overlays Pack

Isolated cartoon hearts and stars overlays 3 in 1 pack.

Rendered in Apple ProRes 4444 video codec, RGB+Alpha channel on a transparent background. (I’ve also included PNG+Alpha image sequence files of my original animations.)

Use it to decorate your video projects like the commercial advertisement, product promo, happy holidays greetings, Valentine’s Day greetings, Happy Mother’s Day greetings, wedding, engagement party, marriage ceremony, anniversary, birthday party, kids tv channel, arts and crafts show, toys reviews channel, nursery rhyme, cosmetic product, beauty channel, fashion shows, special big sales or other events.

Item Name/ Duration/ Transparent Background

isolated cartoon hearts and stars overlay 0:04 Yes
isolated cartoon hearts and stars overlay 0:04(Looped) Yes
isolated cartoon hearts and stars overlay 0:04  Yes

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