Category: Solid Series
LowerThirds Pack 1(Version 1 and 2)
3 Full Pack-
LEFT LowerThird 8-Different,
Right LowerThird 8-Different,
CTA LowerThird 9-Different
of fully Customizable Lower Third Package!
After Effects CS4 or Higher
Very Easy Customizable (Full Change)
2 Version Separately AE Projects
25-Different LowerThirds
(Version 2) 7 Pre-made Color Templates
Instructions to download font are be available in help file
Full HD (1920×1080)
LEFT SIDE LowerThirds
RIGHT SIDE LowerThirds
CENTER (CTA) LowerThirds
Music used in the preview is not included
Music is composed by pinkzebra. You can get Warm Summer.
(Version 1) The 25 Different Styles Consist Of:
LEFT side (08):
LEFT_001_(single line lower third)
LEFT_002_(single line with logo/id line lower third)
LEFT_003_(double line lower third)
LEFT_004_(double line with logo/id line lower third)
LEFT_005_(id line lower third)
LEFT_006_(logo line lower third)
LEFT_007_(up logo line lower third)
LEFT_008_(info window line lower third)
Right side (08):
RIGHT_001_(single line lower third)
RIGHT_002_(single line with logo/id line lower third)
RIGHT_003_(double line lower third)
RIGHT_004_(double line with logo/id line lower third)
RIGHT_005_(id line lower third)
RIGHT_006_(logo line lower third)
RIGHT_007_(up logo line lower third)
RIGHT_008_(info window line lower third)
Center (09):
CENTER_001_(single line lower third)
CENTER_002_(single line with logo/id line lower third)
CENTER_003_(double line lower third)
CENTER_004_(double line with logo/id line lower third)
CENTER_005_(id line lower third)
CENTER_006_(logo line lower third)
CENTER_007_(up logo line lower third)
CENTER_008_(info window line lower third)
CENTER_009_(video window line lower third)
Screenshot Version 1:
(Version 2) The 25 Different Styles Consist Of:
LEFT side (08):
LEFT_001_(single line lower third)
LEFT_002_(single line with logo/id line lower third)
LEFT_003_(double line lower third)
LEFT_004_(double line with logo/id line lower third)
LEFT_005_(id line lower third)
LEFT_006_(logo line lower third)
LEFT_007_(up logo line lower third)
LEFT_008_(info window line lower third)
Right side (08):
RIGHT_001_(single line lower third)
RIGHT_002_(single line with logo/id line lower third)
RIGHT_003_(double line lower third)
RIGHT_004_(double line with logo/id line lower third)
RIGHT_005_(id line lower third)
RIGHT_006_(logo line lower third)
RIGHT_007_(up logo line lower third)
RIGHT_008_(info window line lower third)
Center (09):
CENTER_001_(single line lower third)
CENTER_002_(single line with logo/id line lower third)
CENTER_003_(double line lower third)
CENTER_004_(double line with logo/id line lower third)
CENTER_005_(id line lower third)
CENTER_006_(logo line lower third)
CENTER_007_(up logo line lower third)
CENTER_008_(info window line lower third)
CENTER_009_(video window line lower third)