Men’s Fashion Promo
Make an 4K-res advertising promotion video for a menswear boutique or store.
슬라이드 쇼, 프리젠 테이션, 효과 후, 어도비, 템플릿, スライドショー、プレゼンテーション、テンプレート, 幻灯片, 演示, 后效果, 模板, ロゴは明らかにします, 로고 공개, 标志显示
Thank you so much for being interested in our templates! Please check another projects in a same style for Adobe After Effects software only.
Make fashion video openers, cloth promotion or glamor animation titles especially for mens a few clicks! Just do it fast and quickly. You can use videos or photos from Instagram, Twitter, Youtube or home video.
Perfect for: elegance and clean fashion promo, sports clothes, male model videography, stylish magazine promo or event greetings slideshow. That project will help you to make some cool and best motion designed vogue presentation, fashionable introduction, sportive opener or masculine fashion video for gay or transvestite show promo.
Main Features
- If you have Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 and above you don’t need installed Adobe After Effects software
- Resolution – 4K (3840×2160)
- No plugins required / free support 24-7 / very easy to edit
- PDF Help File included
- Change All Settings with Control Layer (Color Control)
- You have to install fonts BEFORE running project!
- Used Free Fonts (Font links included)
- Used Music, Images and Videos just for Preview, not included in the project file
- Very easy to customize
- 0:52 min duration
- 29 placeholders for media (photo or video)
- 18 unique scenes
- Music link – Positive Background
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