The great “News 1” music is not included. It belongs to Leto and can be purchase from the link below:
Broadcast Design – Modern News Lower 3rds Package
Features list:
- Very Easy to customize: Control Lower 3rds In&Out Animation by changing In/Out points of a Control Layer
- After Effects CS5.5 project (CS5.5 and above compatible)
- Easily change the colors with a Color Controller, to match the colors of your brand
- All text and videos can be replaced with your content
- 20 types of Lower Thirds
- 2 seconds transition
- In-depth Video tutorial
- This is an After Effects project and you need After Effects CS5.5 or later, to customize it
- Arial
Important Note:
- The Photos / Footage used in the preview are not included in the project! They are Creative Commons-licensed content for commercial use from Pexels.
If you don’t have After Effects, time, or necessary Hardware Power to set up the project, we can offer fast customization and render service. You can email us at [email protected]