This project file has been created using After Effects CS5 in Full HD (1920X1080).
The project includes 10 replaceable TEXT SPOTS, 8 Big replaceable Video/Image, and 45 Small Video/Image!
Optical Flares PLUGIN is Pre-Rendered!
The package includes a video (prerendered) for the tunnel!
10 projects are included:
- 01 Same as First Preview (the media featured in the tunnel loops every 11 seconds)
- 02 Same as First Preview (the media featured in the tunnel loops every 30 seconds)
- 03 Same as First Preview (the media featured in the tunnel is Pre-Rendered and loops every 11 seconds)
- 04 Media in monitors not looped
- 05 Same as 2nd Preview (media in tunnel matches Big Media)
- 06 Same as First Preview (the media in tunnel loops every 11 seconds with Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
- 07 Same as First Preview (the media in tunnel loops every 30 seconds. Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
- 08 Same as First Preview (the media in tunnel is Pre-Rendered and looped every 11 seconds. Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
- 09 Meda in monitors not looped. Included pre-rendered Optical Flares.
- 10 Same as Second Preview (media in monitors same as Big Media. Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
Music and SoundFX are Included.
- See Only Videos Here: