Nallihan Drone Video

Ankara Nallıhan is a district located in the Ankara Province of Turkey. It is situated in the central part of the country, approximately 130 kilometers west of the capital city, Ankara. Nallıhan is known for its natural beauty, historical sites, and traditional Turkish culture.

The district is home to the Nallıhan Bird Sanctuary, which is a significant wetland area and a major stopover for migratory birds. It attracts birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts from around the world. The sanctuary is also a protected area for various endangered species.

Nallıhan has a rich historical heritage, with traces of civilizations dating back to ancient times. There are several historical sites and landmarks in the district, including Nallıhan Caravanserai, which was built during the Seljuk period and served as a stopping point for travelers along the Silk Road.

The local culture in Nallıhan is deeply rooted in traditional Turkish customs and traditions. The district is known for its handicrafts, particularly carpet weaving and pottery. Visitors can explore local workshops and witness the craftsmanship firsthand.

Overall, Ankara Nallıhan offers a combination of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural richness, making it a popular destination for tourists seeking an authentic Turkish experience.

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