Old Film Opening & Closing Titles
Titles directly from 1910-20 with a background piano music !This template has been built from reference films and pictures to make it as realistic as possible. With a good music, it looks real ! The old format as been respected properly, so don’t scream if it’s not in HD, it’s normal (note that the template is resizable but not ad infinitum of course) ! The resolution in the project is the original 720×480 (3:2) format. Compatible with AE CS4 and above.
Watch an example of use here (beginning and ending ; the video is in french…and just for fun !) :
Includes :
- CS4 or Higher After Effects version compatible
- 2 Separate AE Templates (1 for the Intro and 1 for the Outro as seen in the preview)
- 3 Borders (PNG, with alpha)
- 5 fully customisable text placeholders for the intro and 3 for the outro
- A 2K concrete Texture
- Help files (how to change titles and borders)
The fonts and the projector sound are free, the links are in a .txt file included.
The beautiful ragtime music by Simon Vanneste can be found here :
Old Film Piano Ragtime Music
Enjoy !
Ludovic’s Films Production – 2014