Online Education Slideshow
Or you may create promotion for online courses (MOOCs), offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent educational modes in distance education. Main Features Adobe After Effects CC 2013…CC 2023 or higher software 1080p (1920×1080) resolution 51 sec / 13 replaceable media / 10 editable titles No any plugins required Used font – not included – links inside PDF Music Link – School Kids Kit CC Licensed Video Used In Preview: Girl Writing on Her Notebook A Young Boy Doing His School Work From Home We have many other impressive projects in the same kind, you can check it out here:
Distance education or distance learning is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school. Traditionally, this usually involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded with the school via post. Today, it involves online education. Using that template you can make a presentation for your online school or interactive education. Or you may create promotion for online courses (MOOCs), offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent educational modes in distance education.