Point of view
Broadcast package- resolution 1280×720 25fps
- resolution 1920×1080 updated
- opener
- lower third
- transition
- screen credits
- manual PDF included
Project includes 2 AE project files – source and prerendered. point of view.aep – source file – Trapcode particular, Trapcode 3d stroke plugin needed
point of view prerender.aep – prerendered file – no plugin needed.
Also in elements_animated project folder you will find some animated elements you can use in other projects. Music “3D Logo” by Cyrill luzin not included but you can find it here.
Font i used is “CourierTM” not included but you can find it here or download from here . Thanks for purchasing!
Dont shy to ask me if something goes wrong! Write to My Profile. I will help with pleasure!