Refraction 2 | Element 3D V2 Logo Reveal
Requires Plugins: Element 3D v2, Optical Flares, Length: 0:17, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 86mb
Soundtracks (not included) used in the project you can find HERE created by alkis
- controls for: colors, cameras, optical flares and more
- ‘Refraction 2 | Element 3D V2 Logo Reveal’ works with AE CS6, CC and CC 2014
- Assets are in Cinema 4D 3D format (watch the video tutorial for relinking)
- Element 3D V2 and Optical Flares 1.2 required
- Resolution – FHD 1920×1080 24 fps,
- duration – 17 seconds
- works with all language AE versions (expression universalizer is used)
- PDF documentation
- rendering time – 55 mins or less (on I7 core quad)
- videotutorial – 14 min – (English version)