Epic, raw and energetic. Revolution sport promo is a gritty video slideshow featuring 17 slides for either photos or videos, 17 titles and a opening logo reveal. This video template is perfect for sport motivation, product presentation, gym promotion, event promotions or any occasion to get your fans and customers pumped! Customization is quick and streamlined. Simply add your logo, drag and drop photos and videos, change text, and customize project features with in the Quick control panel.
Revolution Sport Promo

Video Player is loading.
Length: 00:28, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 4.8MB, Media Placeholders: 17, Text Placeholders: 17
HD (1080×1920 / 0:28”)
11 Scenes
17 Text placeholder
17 Media placeholder
1 Logo placeholder
Works with image or video
No plugins required
After Effects CS6 or above
Universal Expressions
Help file included
Great music track used in the preview by music2noise Boost Machine.
Footage used not included only for preview purposes.
Stock footage used not included only for preview purposes.
V01, V02
Logos here.
Fonts here.