Hi. This is my new big project for your presentation. Very easily customize. Project did in cinema 4D and After effects, so you will need these programs to set up the project. Also check that you have not a demo version of these software, and installed Cinema 4D has dynamic module. For After Effects don’t need any third-party plug-ins (Trapcode Particular and Optical flares required, however the file comes with pre rendered version).
- 1280×720; 25fps.
- easy customization.
- Sound FX by khursey included.
- The font is free here .
- Project did in Cinema 4D R14, but you can open for any version, in which there is Physical render.
- Optical flares and trapcode particular required, however the file comes with pre rendered version.
- Detailed video tutorial included.
- Video, inside placeholders, in the previews are not included, but you can download it here .
- The audio used in the example is “Technology In Action” which is available for purchase here .
- Render time on I7 3930k, 64gb RAM, 2.10 minute per frame.
If you like, don’t forget about five stars for my project. Thanks