This template is a cool way to promote your SEO Company. Just in few clicks you will have a video that will show all your benefits and explain your client why to choose you.
Main Features
- American, British, German, Spanish and Russian Voice Overs INCLUDED!
- Sound effects INCLUDED!
- Each scene is controlled by Customize layer, allowing you to change the color scheme just in few clicks
- Universal Expressions (works with any AE’s language)
- All texts are editable
- Free font (link inside the help file)
- No plugins required
- Tutorial is included
- Music are not included
- Can be customized in few minutes. Just place your logos and texts, and you’re done!
- After Effects CS 5.5 and above compatible
- Customization service available! Do you want me to customize the template for you? Just contact me through the form on my profile page.