After Effects 14 Categories
- 01.Instagram Stories
- 02.Instagram Posts
- 03.Titles
- 04.Transitions
- 05.Backgrounds
- 06.Lower Thirds
- 07.Call-Outs
- 08.Shapes
- 09.Animation Gradients
- 10.Logo Reveals
- 11.Icons
- 12.Mock Up’s
- 13.Infographics
- 14.Typography
Premiere Pro 10 Categories
- 01.Titles
- 02.Backgrounds
- 03.Transitions
- 04.Typography
- 05.Lower Thirds
- 06.Infographics
- 07.Call Outs
- 08.Shapes
- 09.Animation Gradients
- 10.Icons
- In That Future Bass
- Lofi Hip Hop Lounge
- If you have a question about the project, contact us by sending email ( ) or by contact form on ourenvato page.