- Very easy to replace the photo and text.
- 100% After Effects (plugins are not used)
- Full HD format of 1920×1080px.
- 0:35 sec. animation.
- 9 photo/video placeholders.
- Well organized template.
- Color change.
- After Effects CC2019 and above.
- Photos are not included.
- Music are not included.
- Music for the project can be found here:download (or any other)
- Font for the project can be found here:<a href=”https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/poppins ”>download (or any other)
- There is a video instruction on the use of the project.
Urban Style Promo

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Length: 0:35, Resolution: 1920x1080, File Size: 5.24MB, Media Placeholders: 9, Text Placeholders: 11