⭐️ Uniqueand mindblowing – could you imagine a better solution for your channel if you want to be the best at what you do? We could, so we created YouTube Influence Pack – something that can change the rules of the game when it comes to promoting content of the highest quality. Influence is the set of templates for YouTube which contains more than 110+ elements, carefully and attentively created by our designers, most outstanding intros and openers to your collection. The ability to preview all of the scenes, change texts&colors, get all future updates to the pack for free and many more features will bring you to the league of your own. Highlight your lifestyle like no one else. Have you seen a channel like that yet?
What is included?
How to use in After Effects?
Why choose it
- Prepared to work with free extension EasyEdit Viewer
- Video Tutorial how to use in After Effects
- After Effects from CC 2019 and above
- Changeable colors
- Works in After Effects without any plugins
- Smooth animations and free fonts
- Free Future Updates
- Works with ANY font
- Different styles
- Easy to use even if you are Beginner
- Fully Customizable
- Fast Rendering
- 100% After Effects
- Ready Placeholders
Change Log
- v1 – 13.07.2021
first release
24/7 item support if you have any complexity with the project feel free to contact us via profile E-mail form . we will answer to you during 1 day.
Before buying please read the Envato licence rules and FAQ about licenses You can use the one-time purchase regular license* to make multiple videos, but only for one channel, client, product and for non-commercial purposes.
Exception only for this template: if you buy the extended license* , you can use the template for multiple clients and commercial purposes.
Used material
Photos and Videos NOT included, for preview purposes only.